Monday, July 14, 2014

Why criticise when you can contribute ?

Recently figured out that I criticize things a lot.
Worse still, when I am assigned to improve the things I am criticizing I do a worse job.

I realized this when I was assigned as SCRUM master for my project.
In one day I messed up more than anybody else.

This also explains my fascination for AAP which does the same thing (criticize the world)

However I need to learn now to contribute to improvise rather than criticize.
If we can improve then lets do it else just accept the things as they are.

Only criticizing about things is only going to make me more unhappy with my life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow man. I was thinking that you are not writing these days and saw this taja taja post. Awesome. Got to be some connection. Welcome back.
